Rebellious or moody behavior is a normal part of being a teenager. It can be challenging for parents to recognize when troublesome behaviors are indicators of a mental health concern. Adolescent treatment programs provide support for teens and their parents when concerning behaviors are affecting the well-being of the child and their family.
Imagine Boise provides adolescent treatment services that make a difference in teens’ lives. Call Imagine Boise today at 888.597.2807 to learn more about our teen behavioral health program.
What Is Behavioral Health for Teens?
Behavioral health refers to more than just how a person is behaving. It is both a field of medicine that focuses on treating conditions that affect an individual’s mental health and a term that is used to refer to a person’s overall mental health.
Every parent knows that teens can be irritable, moody, and hard to connect with at times, but this doesn’t necessarily mean they are experiencing behavioral health concerns that require treatment.
Fortunately, there are some clear indicators that will help you understand your child better and determine whether enrolling them in a program that addresses behavioral health for adolescents is appropriate.
It may help to stay aware of your teen’s behavior in the following areas:
Being overly stressed about grades, not sleeping because they are worried about tests, or being unable to manage emotions during school are red flags that something more serious than an academic rough patch is happening.
Sleep is one of the most reliable indicators of behavioral health for teens. Adolescents naturally have a different biological clock than young children or adults. It’s normal for them to want to stay up past midnight and stay in bed all morning.
However, sleeping during the day, preferring sleep over hanging out with friends, or problems with chronic insomnia are signs of a larger problem.
Some level of rebellion is a normal part of becoming an independent person, but disagreeing with household rules and breaking the law are very different issues. If your child is getting frequent school detentions or is involved with any type of criminal activity, it may be time for professional intervention.
Alcohol or Drug Use
According to statistics from the CDC, a majority of teens try alcohol and marijuana before the age of 21. While it is not ideal, occasional experimentation may not affect behavioral health for teens, but regular use can. Signs your teen may be developing a substance or alcohol use disorder include:
- Loss of motivation and interest in activities they once enjoyed
- Hostile or secretive behavior
- Unusually energetic or overly enthusiastic behavior
- Fatigue and social withdrawal
- Frequent rule-breaking
- Lack of coordination
- Red eyes, sniffles
- Frequent complaints of illness
Dropping old childhood friends for all new friends is another sign to watch for, especially if the new friends are kids you don’t know.
Is It Time for a Teen Behavioral Health Program?
Behavioral health treatment for teens can be a turning point in a child’s development. If you are concerned that your child may have a mood disorder, a behavioral disorder, or a substance use disorder, the professionals at a behavioral health center can help.
High-quality centers that offer behavioral health for adolescents provide a safe and inclusive environment where kids and their parents can find the support they need.
Turn to Imagine Boise for a Teen Behavioral Health Program in Idaho
At Imagine Boise, we encourage adolescents to find their purpose while providing programs that will help them regain control of their lives. Our centers are friendly, welcoming places that feel like a second home, not a hospital. To learn more about how Imagine Boise is improving behavioral health for teens, call today at 888.597.2807 or fill out our online form.