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7 Family Therapy Games To Improve Communication With Your Teen

a teen and her mother learn to communicate better in family therapy

Family therapy is a helpful tool for those struggling with difficult situations, such as divorce or the death of a loved one. It can also be useful for helping couples who are dealing with communication issues or conflict over parenting decisions. Imagine Boise offers an adolescent family therapy program for young adults aged 12-17 and their families in Boise, Idaho. Call 888.597.2807 or connect with us online to learn more.

What Is Family Therapy?

Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy that helps individuals in a family to work together to resolve conflicts and improve communication. It can help families identify the causes of problems, develop strategies for dealing with them, and learn new skills to strengthen their relationships. Through activities such as role-playing, problem-solving tasks, or discussions about difficulties within the family system, all members are encouraged to move toward understanding and reconciliation.

Family therapy can give family members an opportunity to voice their feelings in a safe environment, as well as learn more about how each member of the family contributes to the overall system. This type of therapy can help with communication issues, parenting problems, unresolved grief, substance abuse, and mental health disorders that have an impact on the entire family. Additionally, it can help families to better understand the dynamics of their relationships and identify patterns that are not serving them well.

7 Family Therapy Games To Improve Communication With Your Teen

Sometimes, it’s difficult for parents and their teenagers to connect. To help bridge this gap, family therapy games can be a great tool for making communication smoother. Not only do these exercises help foster better relationships, but they also provide an opportunity to learn more about each other and open up lines of communication.

Here are seven family therapy games that can help improve communication between parents and their teens:

  1. The Listening Game – This game encourages active listening amongst family members, teaching them to focus on understanding what the other person is saying before responding. Each participant takes turns talking while the others in the group listen without interruption. This game can be especially helpful in teaching teens to pay more attention to their parents and vice versa.
  1. “I Statements” – This communication tool helps teach people how to express themselves without blame or judgment, allowing for better understanding and more productive conversations. Each person gets a chance to share how they feel without pointing fingers or assigning blame. This helps teens to understand the importance of language choice when communicating with their parents.
  1. Word Association – In this game, each participant takes turns saying a word that they associate with something another family member said previously. This encourages teens to think critically and explore different perspectives while also providing parents with a better understanding of how their teen thinks.
  1. Storytelling – This game gives each family member a chance to share stories about their lives and experiences, giving insight into who they are as individuals. It can also help teens develop empathy as they listen to their parents’ stories and learn more about their perspectives on life.
  1. Reflection Boxes – During this exercise, each family member writes down their thoughts and feelings on paper, places them in a box, and shakes the box. Each person then opens a random piece of paper from the box without looking at it and reflects on what was written. This activity can help teens learn to express themselves better and also encourages parents to be more mindful of their words when communicating with teens.
  1. Mirroring – This game encourages family members to mirror each other’s body language and facial expressions to better understand how the other person is feeling. It can also help teens practice active listening as they observe their parents.
  2. Role Play – This exercise allows everyone to experience different roles and situations, helping them learn more about how they communicate in different scenarios. It encourages teens to practice their communication skills and can help parents understand how their teens may react in certain situations.

These family therapy games can be an effective tool for opening up lines of communication between parents and their teens. Improving the connection between family members can lead to stronger bonds and more meaningful relationships.

Explore Family Therapy at Imagine Boise

Family dynamics can be complex and, at times, overwhelming. It is not uncommon for adolescents to find themselves in the middle of family struggles, causing confusion and distress. Adolescent family therapy can help create clarity, understanding, and communication between all members of a family unit. To learn how family therapy can help your family, contact Imagine Boise at 888.597.2807 or online for more information today.